</ sprint >
Zero Sprint
We create the basis for successful products by analyzing the client's business needs, testing and developing concepts, creating a design concept and a project development plan
roadmap, assessment, design concept
UX researcher и PM
Up to 5%
Of the cost of the entire project
The zero sprint includes full preparation before the start of the project. At this stage, the scope of work is determined, deadlines are set, the project budget is estimated, the concept of the finished product is created and materials are prepared to protect the budget.
1-3 weeks
Depending on the complexity
A zero sprint is needed when
A large-scale and creative project is to be implemented, which causes difficulties in determining the basic requirements and drafting a specific TOR
There is ambiguity in determining priorities and estimates, which makes it difficult to choose the functionality for the first release (MVP)
It is necessary to develop the architecture, finalize the back end, add additional integrations and middleware
The budget has not yet been determined and the project has to be presented to investors or an internal project committee
How is the zero sprint going?
/ Preparation
  • You need a description of the product's task, business and target audience problems, and examples of competitors.
  • A quick briefing and analysis of the preliminary requirements from the business.
  • We explain what will make a person use the application and why they will continue to use it.
/ Research
  • Analyzing the niche and competitors, checking user requests.
  • Highlighting the required features for MVP and for subsequent versions of the product.
Advantages of the sprint from the team </Antara>
  • The justified composition of the MVP;
  • The design concept in Figma;
  • Integration plan and risk overview;
  • Overview of the backend status on the client side;
  • A detailed assessment of the project;
  • Backlog, a project development map;
  • The justified composition of the MVP;
  • The design concept in Figma;
  • Integration plan and risk overview;
  • Overview of the backend status on the client side;
  • A detailed assessment of the project;
  • Backlog, a project development map;
</ keep In touch >
Start your project with us
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Moscow, Kronshtadtsky b-r, 7a, office 209a
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